Biodiversity – Sustainable Drainage Systems

Biodiversity – Sustainable Drainage Systems

Biodiversity – Sustainable Drainage Systems

Here at Thomas Consulting we are looking to continually promote the four pillars of sustainable drainage systems.

We are particularly focusing on the pillar of Biodiversity, the development of ecosystems. By considering this in our projects we can create improved communities and living spaces; whilst enabling us to bring people closer to nature.

When considering this across our designs we can learn to understand that promoting biodiversity does not have to be a mitigation of damage to nature through the development of infrastructure; it can be seen to promote the development of ecosystems and provide areas where nature and infrastructure can co-exist to develop and learn from one another.


Through intuitive design we can create new corridors for nature to connect to new landscapes, we can improve the quality of watercourses and even prevent the likelihood of natural disaster. When we consider biodiversity, it provides designers with a perfect opportunity to provide betterment of mistakes the industry may have made in the past or simply improve the natural resource the land has provided by improving water quality or providing more amenable spaces.

At Thomas Consulting we continue to improve the standards of infrastructure across the UK such as our partnership with CNG Fuels, who are providing the distribution of Bio-Compressed Natural Gas, a more ethically sourced fuel which has both cost and environmental benefits. Through the designs we provide for CNG we incorporate biodiversity through the provision of swale systems and detention basins and/or balancing ponds which either utilise existing topography and natural geology, or in some cases improve the land and in turn provide new landscapes for nature to enter and thrive in.

If your project features Biodiversity aspects and you need expert advice, please contact Thomas Consulting. We have a wealth of sustainable and biodiversity experience that can help nature and infrastructure co-exist.

Ground investigation finds extension to be stable

Ground investigation finds extension to be stable

Ground investigation finds extension to be stable

Phil Howden inspected a property this week. The house has suffered from damage following deep excavation works near the property by a Statutory Undertakers’ Contractor, with heavy plant causing significant vibration. The Contractor had also needed to dewater due to high ground water levels.

The property is about 60 years old and was extended at the front about 30 years ago. A Consulting Engineer acting for the Statutory Undertaker inspected the property and reported that the front extension had suffered from foundation movement. They excavated trial pits and reported further that the extension was founded on a raft on Peat. They recommended that the extension was stabilised by underpinning.


When Phil inspected the property he discovered that, contrary to the previous Engineer’s report, damage indicated that the more historic original house had suffered foundation movement relative to the extension. A further ground investigation confirmed that the more recent extension was not founded on a raft, but on a pile and ground beam foundation. The investigation confirmed also that the original house was founded on a raft.

The second ground investigation confirmed the observations made by Phil that the extension was adequately founded and stable. It did not need underpinning.

If your house has been damaged and you need expert advice, please contact Thomas Consulting. We identify the full extent of damage, the likely causes, the prognosis and what remedial work is needed to repair your house to keep it safe.