Wonderful Work Experience at Terrific Thomas Consulting

My name is Jas and I am a student at Derwen Specialist College for young adults with special educational needs and disabilities. I began my work experience with Thomas Consulting in October 2023.
It has been a very positive experience working with the Shrewsbury team. I have grown in confidence with my admin skills, developing and achieving targets within problem-solving, following instructions and effective professional communication.
Previously I had some basic admin experience including shredding and sending emails at college, so I had an idea of what to expect. Since being at Thomas Consulting, I have learnt how to create spreadsheets from scratch using Excel including formatting cells; completed project quote letters following specific layouts; transferring templates into the correct format; answering the phone and making phone calls to ask about storage boxes, using clear communication skills. I have also learnt about professional credentials; chasing quotes by email and extracting information from email responses, making event posters, organising interview criteria. I have been given responsibility of the Hot Desk email account; researched team-building activities; compiled business information packs with the company capability statements for an exhibition and many other day to day admin tasks. Many of these tasks required me to multi-task by using two computer screens. I am surprised at how many new skills I have learnt with the support of Thomas Consulting.
My highlights have included being brought cakes for my birthday, learning how to do project quotes and ‘sum’ on Excel, being confident enough to make internal phone calls and having the encouragement from my teacher to believe in my ability. However, it has not always been positive or “high four’’ (my term for positive or good) as I have learnt that headers and footers are my nemesis or in Jasmine terms, “four claw’’. Overall, I have really enjoyed building working relationships with the engineers here in the Shrewsbury office Matt, Colin and Iestyn, being supported with admin tasks by Lin and guided by my lovely manager Diane. They are very good at promoting equality diversity and inclusion as Shrewsbury branch raised money for the Movement Centre, which helps children with mobility needs, by competing in Shrewsbury’s Krazy Races. I helped create the posters advertising for this event.
I would recommend Thomas Consulting to anyone as they have provided me an equal opportunity to access work experience in an inclusive and supportive environment and team.
So, thank you 4 the opportunity, From Jas.