Thomas Consulting Staff Forum 2022

Well, the TC Staff Forum 2022 took place this month and for the first time in five whole years…. With one thing and another they have been put back time and time again, most recently due to the pandemic. But here we are, Manchester bound, on a sunny October Morning.
We have the offices from Shrewsbury, Lancaster and Chorley all meeting up at the Manchester Chamber for a fun-filled morning of Company updates, projections, marketing and what the future holds for us as a business, but I won’t bore you with all of that…… let’s get down to the fun bit.
So, after a morning of updates it was time for the Team-building event and this year we were heading to the Crystal Maze Experience in Manchester City Centre. For those of you that remember the show……. and those that don’t where have you been…… we had to tackle a number of challenges in the various zones in order to win crystals to take to the “””CRYSTAL DOME””” at the end.
We had 4 teams on the day which were, Julian’s Angels, Sheer Force, Peaky Blinders and Sharons Beaches. So not only were we competing against the maze but each other which made it even more fun and truly showed who the competitive ones are…. not to mention any names, but they know who they are!!!!
So, let’s go into the Crystal Maze, I have to say some of us were slightly apprehensive of what the day held but were soon laughing and getting right into it as the time went on. We had 70 minutes of 25 grown adults running around the maze like children and simply having a right good laugh… what a wonderful way to let your hair down with colleagues you haven’t seen for years and what a bonus being able to tell your bosses what to do, especially if you’re a team leader!
After all the running around the maze and encouraging your teammates, which some might call screaming and shouting, we then enter the Crystal Dome which is just like on the tele. We walk in, hold onto the rail, and wait for it……” WILL YOU START THE FANS PLEASE”. Hold onto your wig’s ladies and gents because it gets windy. The tokens are whizzing around everywhere, you’re trying to put a strategy together on how you are going to collect these flapping foils and then the whistle goes…… Well that’s the strategy gone, better just start jumping around trying to catch the blighters and hope for the best.
Once finished and you’ve have straightened your hair and taken a breath it’s time to wait in the foyer for all the teams to gather, look at the TV of shame and await the results on how you have done and were we really find out who the competitive ones are. Suffice to say we all did pretty well, we had a wonderful time together and finished off the day with a well-earned refreshment.